Adding a polygon to a shapefile

Nebojsa Balic nebojsa.balic at FELIS.UNI-FREIBURG.DE
Tue Sep 12 08:31:23 EDT 2006

Dear Mapserver users,
I have problem in creating a polygon shapefile. I am trying
to write a PHP script aiming to add a polygon to a newly
created shapefile by using the method addShape:

	$my_line = ms_newLineObj();
	$dbfFile = dbase_create( $file_name.".dbf",
array(array("ID", "N", 5,0)));
	dbase_add_record($dbfFile, array(1));

return value of $ft is 0 which means that method addShape
has been succesfully implemented. However, the members
values of my Shapefileobj are 0 for numshapes and  not
available for source and bounds. I checked my polygon and
all member variables are OK, so I am not sure what addShape
function actually does and if it is necessary to add each
point to the shapefile with the method addPoint. Where do I
go wrong?

2. After I added points in the line and then the line to
the shape (the coordinates of the last and first point are
same), I realised that member variable bounds of the shape
is not provided. I went around this problem by finding the
smallest and greates x and y coordinates of the points I
added to the line i.e. the shape which I then used to set

Is this right thing to do and why have not these bounds
calculated automatically?

Thanking in advance

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