mapserv and ogr2ogr reprojection (Google Earth)

Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI) b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL
Mon Sep 25 11:15:45 EDT 2006

Hi list,

first of all, maybe this would be better addressed at the gdal-dev list as well.

Using Jan Hartman's PROJ.4 parameters for EPSG:28992 (, we successfully got Dutch national grid data to match the aerial photography of Google Earth. 

We used Mapserver WFS and ogr2ogr (GML input, KML output) to transform the data.

If we transform using ogr2ogr and provide -s_srs with the exact same PROJ.4 string and t_srs of EPSG:4326, the overlay is not correct.

Any ideas what could be causing this? All testing was done using FWTools 1.0.5 on Windows XP.

Another question:

-how hard would it be to have the same OUTPUTFORMAT mechanism for vector (Mapserver WFS/OGR), so that output formats of OGR could be outputted by Mapserver WFS?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards, 
Bart van den Eijnden

drs. A.J. van den Eijnden
Productteam Applicaties Geo-Informatie
Rijkswaterstaat Adviesdienst Geo-informatie en ICT 
Postbus 5023, 2600 GA Delft 
Derde Werelddreef 1, 2622 HA Delft 
Telefoon: (015) 275 75 75 
E-mail b.vdeijnden at

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