Labeling from a MySQL Datasource

Andreas Albarello andreas.albarello at TERRITORIUMONLINE.COM
Tue Sep 26 05:46:48 EDT 2006

Ian Erickson wrote:
> Does anyone have an example of how to label a MapServer layer with the 
> results of a JOIN directive.  Is this even possible using the LABELITEM 
> parameter?  Using PHP MapScript and MapServer 4.8.


I fear it's not possible to do what you'd like by the way you mention. 
AFAIK and according to fields joined 
through a JOIN directive can not be used to affect the look of a map. In 
fact, there's no working way to reference fields from a JOIN anywhere 
inside the mapfile. They can be referenced inside templates for HTML 
display only.

You could however draw them dynamically from inside PHP.

Best regards,

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