MapServer 5.0.0-beta4 released

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Wed Aug 15 14:59:46 EDT 2007

Hi everyone,

MapServer 5.0.0-beta4 has just been released. The source package is 
available at:

The page above also contains links to binary distributions. They should 
be updated with binaries for this beta in the next few days.

Thanks a lot to all those who have tested previous betas and have 
reported their results, either via the list or directly in Trac (bug 
tracker). That helps a lot... please keep testing and sending feedback.

The list of changes/fixes since beta3 is included at the bottom of this 

As was mentioned before, we plan to have one beta per week until the 
final release of MapServer 5.0 which is planned for the week of 
September 12, 2007. More details can be found in the 5.0 release plan at


Version 5.0.0-beta4 (2007-08-15)

Known issues:

- This beta still requires manual steps to build MapServer with AGG
   support on some platforms. For more details, see:

Bug Fixes:

- Updated msImageCreateAGG to only allow RGB or RGBA pixel models (#2231)

- Fixed problem with symbol.setImagePath() when file doesn't exist (#1962)

- Python MapScript failures (#2230)

- msInsertLayer should not free the incoming layer anymore (#2229)

- Include only parsed in the first mapfile (#2021)

- Incorrect lookup of symbol in symbolset (#2227)

- Mapfile includes and MapScript (#2089)

- Fixed alignment of GetLegendGraphic output when mapfile contains no
   legend object (#966)

- Fixed seg. fault when generaing HTML legend for raster layers with no
   classes (#2228). The same issue was also causing several Chameleon apps
   using HTML legend to seg fault (#2218)

- Do not use case sensitive searches in string2list, which is used
   for msWhichItems (#2067)

- Ensure that we can write AGG images with Python MapScript's write() method

- Support unicode attributes for ArcSDE 9.2 and above (#2225)

- GD: Truetype line symbolization should follow line orientation only
   if GAP is <=0

- AGG: Added truetype symbolization for lines and polygons

- AGG: Draw an outline of size 1 of the fill color around polygons if an
   outlinecolor isn't specified (avoids faint outline)

- Added summary of options at end of configure output (#1966)

- Updated configure script to detect and require GEOS 2.2.2+ (#1896)

- Renamed --enable-coverage configure option to --enable-gcov to avoid
   confusion with WCS or Arc/Info coverages (#2217)

- Fixed --enable-gcov (formerly --enable-coverage) option to work with (#2216)

- check for OGR support in if SLD is used (#1998)

- msWMSLoadGetMapParams: fixed handling of required parameters (#1088)
  - if any of srs, bbox, format, width, height are NOT found, throw 
  - if styles AND sld are NOT found, throw an exception
  - NOTE: this may cause issues with some existing clients who do not pass
    required parameters

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