SOS version & SweCommon response

Charlton Purvis cplist at SECONDCREEK.ORG
Fri Aug 17 14:05:11 EDT 2007

> Can you expand on the swecommon response a bit more?  Is this the
> DataBlock issue of encoding data?

Right.  I'm sorry to hound folks about this, but I thought I'd throw it out
there to see if it was in the realm of possibility.

E.g. Say I have 3 records of SST for a given request.  Instead of returning
3 sets of GML, I'd return one set that contained a DataBlock of all the

Here's an example of 1 day's worth of air_pressure.  Notice that the eventTime filter works
great.  Thanks, guys!

What I'm asking for (in addition to the moon) is the ability to trim down on
all the repeated data so that I would end up, instead w/ one block that
contained a single result block.  Like this SOS service does, (not the same sensor).


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