feature-id in getfeatureinfo requests

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Mon Feb 5 14:01:52 EST 2007

Sorry, I take my suggestion back. I just got confirmation from SteveL 
that support for _index had been removed. See his comment at 

With respect to why you don't see the OID column in your queries, I am 
not familiar enough with PostgreSQL/PostGIS to tell what's going wrong.


Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> Thanks Daniel,
> but
> Nope, tried and failed :-(
> Maybe it has something to do with the way I created the table:
> CREATE TABLE testpoints
> (
>   waarnemer character varying(40),
>   plaats character varying(40),
>   soort character varying(40),
>   aantal integer,
>   aantal2 character varying(40),
>   opmerking character varying(200),
>   the_geom geometry,
>   CONSTRAINT testpoints_pkey PRIMARY KEY (oid),
>   CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom CHECK (ndims(the_geom) = 2),
>   CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom CHECK (geometrytype(the_geom) = 
> 'POINT'::text OR the_geom IS NULL),
>   CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom CHECK (srid(the_geom) = 28992)
> )
> ALTER TABLE testpoints OWNER TO postgres;
> I wanted to have a table in which I had an auto incrementing id-column. 
> This was the way to do that (according to mr Google :-) )
> If I look at the table with pgAdmin III there is a column 'oid' with the 
> id's in it. If I look with QGIS there is a column 'id'...
> But if I do:
>     a.attnum,
>     a.attname AS field,
>     t.typname AS type,
>     a.attlen AS length,
>     a.atttypmod AS lengthvar,
>     a.attnotnull AS notnull
>     pg_class c,
>     pg_attribute a,
>     pg_type t
>     c.relname = 'testpoints'
>     and a.attnum > 0
>     and a.attrelid = c.oid
>     and a.atttypid = t.oid
> ORDER BY a.attnum
> I don't see the oid column either....
> It probably has something to do with the special meaning of an oid 
> column in postgresql???
> I will try to update my mapserver to the newest version (working with 
> 4.8.3 now...) and see if that works.
> Other solution: add my own id's of use a sequence instead of this 
> autoincrementing... Any postgresql guru's around?
> Thanks, Richard
> Daniel Morissette wrote:
>> Or pehaps try
>>    "gml_featureid" "_index"
>> END
>> as suggested in bug 1413, comment #1:
>> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1413#c1
>> I don't think this is mentioned anywhere in the docs, if this really 
>> works then a note about this should be added to the gml_featureid 
>> defn' at 
>> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/howto/wfs_server/?searchterm=gml_featureid 
>> Daniel
>> Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote:
>>> Ah right, and how about:
>>> gml_featureid "oid"
>>> ?
>>> If this does not work, can you post your DATA statement?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Bart
>>> -- 
>>> Bart van den Eijnden
>>> OSGIS, Open Source GIS
>>> http://www.osgis.nl
>>> --------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------
>>> Van: Richard Duivenvoorde <rdmailings at duif.net>
>>> Naar: Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS <bartvde at OSGIS.NL>,
>>> Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] feature-id in getfeatureinfo 
>>> requests
>>> Datum: 05/02/07 13:25
>>>> Hi Bart,
>>>> Thanks for the quick response :-)
>>>> I tried that already, but in the text output, I see ALL columns of 
>>>> the table (though not the 'oid' as a normal 'attribute') in the 
>>>> output. But there is this line:
>>>> 'Feature 17246'
>>>> Which IS the oid/feature_id....
>>>> In the gml I also receive ALL columns in the output, but NO 
>>>> reference to this 17246 oid/feature_id/id...
>>>> I tried all these:
>>>>        &quot;ows_include_items&quot; &quot;all&quot;
>>>>        &quot;gml_include_items&quot; &quot;all&quot;
>>>>        &quot;wms_include_items&quot; &quot;all&quot;
>>>> ....
>>>> is the oid-column not an official attribute column or something like 
>>>> that?
>>>> Richard
>>>> Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote:
>>>> &gt; Hi Richard,
>>>> &gt; &gt; you need to add &gt; &gt; GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS &quot;all&quot;
>>>> &gt; &gt; to your LAYER's METADATA section.
>>>> &gt; &gt; Best regards,
>>>> &gt; Bart
>>>> &gt; &gt; --
>>>> &gt; Bart van den Eijnden
>>>> &gt; OSGIS, Open Source GIS
>>>> &gt; http://www.osgis.nl
>>>> &gt; &gt; &gt; --------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------
>>>> &gt; Van: Richard Duivenvoorde &lt;rdmailings at DUIF.NET&gt;
>>>> &gt; Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] feature-id in getfeatureinfo
>>> requests
>>>> &gt; Datum: 05/02/07 13:01
>>>> &gt; &gt;&gt; Hi All,
>>>> &gt;&gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt; busy using getfeatureinfo from a postgresql/postgis layer.
>>>> &gt;&gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt; Mapserver version 4.8.3 (...)
>>>> &gt;&gt; Postgresql-table is a point table and has a oid column (create
>>> script
>>>> &gt;&gt; with 'WITH OIDS').
>>>> &gt;&gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt; I managed to get the getfeatureinfo up and running, but 
>>>> stumble
>>> upon the
>>>> &gt;&gt; missing (feature)-id in the gml output:
>>>> &gt;&gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt; When I do an info format of 'text/plain' I'll receive 
>>>> something
>>> like:
>>>> &gt;&gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt; GetFeatureInfo results:
>>>> &gt;&gt; Layer 'testpoints'
>>>> &gt;&gt;    Feature 17246:
>>>> &gt;&gt;      bla = 'zyz'
>>>> &gt;&gt;      foo= ''
>>>> &gt;&gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt; but when i ask for 'application/vnd.ogc.gml' as info format I
>>> receive
>>>> &gt;&gt; gml without the feature-id (not even as a normal 'oid'
>>> property??):
>>>> &gt;&gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt; &amp;lt;?xml version=&amp;quot;1.0&amp;quot;
>>> encoding=&amp;quot;ISO-8859-1&amp;quot;?&amp;gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt; &amp;lt;msGMLOutput
>>>> &gt;&gt;      xmlns:gml=&amp;quot;http://www.opengis.net/gml&amp;quot;
>>>> &gt;&gt;      
>>>> xmlns:xlink=&amp;quot;http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink&amp;quot;
>>>> &gt;&gt;    
>>> xmlns:xsi=&amp;quot;http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance&amp;quot;&amp;gt; 
>>>> &gt;&gt;     &amp;lt;testpoints_layer&amp;gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt;         &amp;lt;testpoints_feature&amp;gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt;             &amp;lt;gml:boundedBy&amp;gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt;                 &amp;lt;gml:Box
>>> srsName=&amp;quot;EPSG:28992&amp;quot;&amp;gt;           
>>>> &gt;&gt; &amp;lt;gml:coordinates&amp;gt;67349.250981,549785.660401 
>>>> &gt;&gt; 67349.250981,549785.660401&amp;lt;/gml:coordinates&amp;gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt;                 &amp;lt;/gml:Box&amp;gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt;             &amp;lt;/gml:boundedBy&amp;gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt;             &amp;lt;bla&amp;gt;zyz&amp;lt;/bla&amp;gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt;             &amp;lt;foo&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/foo&amp;gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt;         &amp;lt;/testpoints_feature&amp;gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt;     &amp;lt;/testpoints_layer&amp;gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt; &amp;lt;/msGMLOutput&amp;gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt; Am I missing some metadata property in my mapfile? I would 
>>>> expect
>>> either
>>>> &gt;&gt; a feature-id attribute in the testpoints_feature element, OR
>>> oid-element
>>>> &gt;&gt;   as child of the testpoints_feature element.
>>>> &gt;&gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt; TIA,
>>>> &gt;&gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt; Richard
>>>> &gt;&gt;
>>>> &gt;&gt;
>>>> &gt; &gt;

Daniel Morissette

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