WMS layer-projection

Silvia Petcu silvia.petcu at DPRA.COM
Tue Jul 3 21:08:19 EDT 2007

I’m using PHP MapScript (MapServer 4.9) function getWMSFeatureInfoURL
(x_px,y_px,50,’GML.1’) to query few WMS layers that are in a different 
projection than my map. The map projection is Lambert Conformal and the 
WMS layers are in Geographic projection(epsg:4326). The map covers 
Northwest Territories in Canada and the difference between Geographic and 
other projections is really noticeable here.
The result returned by the function is in the right projection but the 
coordinates X,Y seams to be off and for WMS layers that are Point type I 
never get a hit when I query, for Polygons is a better since I can zoom enough 
to get a good result. 
If the map is the same projection as the WMS layer the function return a 
correct result and I can query without problem.
Is this a known issue or I’m missing something?

Thank you,
Silvia Petcu

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