SOS disconnect

Charlton Purvis cplist at SECONDCREEK.ORG
Thu Jul 5 17:22:35 EDT 2007

Thanks, Assefa:

> > Is there some controlling mechanism that says, hey, here is my data in
> > MapServer land, and here is how it needs to spit out in SOS land?  This
> same
> > data is being serviced by another SOS flavor (not MapServer), and it
> returns
> > a field like this:
> >
> > <om:result>
> > 2007-07-03T20:04:00Z,42.5,-70.5999984741211,0.0,289.950012207031
> > </om:result>
> >
> > And that's what I want!  I can see it in my WFS, but I want to SOS-
> ercise
> > it.
> >
>    You should be able to add output the attributes values (components in
> SOS) by adding a metadata on the layer for each attribute you want to
> display. Something like sos_nameofattribute_componenturl "some href"
> eg : "sos_COLOUR_componenturl" ""
>   The component url would be published when doing the GetCapabilities
> and the attribute value would be pulished for GetObservation

That did the trick.

      "sos_m_value_alias"        "wind_speed"
      "sos_m_value_componenturl" ""
      "sos_m_lon_alias"          "lon"
      "sos_m_lon_componenturl"   "urn:ogc:phenomenon:longitude:wgs84"
      "sos_m_lat_alias"          "lat"
      "sos_m_lat_componenturl"   "urn:ogc:phenomenon:latitude:wgs84"
      "sos_m_z_alias"            "z"
      "sos_m_z_componenturl"     "urn:ogc:phenomenon:depth"
      "sos_timeitem"             "m_date"
      "sos_offering_timeextent"  "20070530T1800Z"

And now I have lovely observations.

I have two issues, if I haven't worn out my welcome . . .

* I am pulling 10 different types of observations from this particular buoy.
I have listed them all as the same offering and each LAYER has an identical
GROUP -- so they all show up nicely under ndbc_44029.  The problem is, when
I have more than 4 or so SOS LAYERS, whether or not they are part of the
same group, I all of a sudden get an empty .xml.  And Apache logs show
nothing.  I know for a fact that there is not a problem w/ the LAYER
definition because it's just a matter of cutting and pasting to change from
something like a wind_speed column to wind_speed_of_gust.  Is there some
kind of SOS limit in a *.h somewhere?

* Secondly, is there a trick to the TIME element?  Here is a working

And it does say it recognizes a timePeriod, but when I tack on a time
parameter, it bombs w/ 'msSOSGetObservation(): SOS server error. Invalid
time value given for the eventTime parameter'.  I dug around in the code,
and it still doesn't shed any light on where the problem is occurring.

The getcaps behind all of this is here:

I do plan on writing up how I have gotten this far, so it may help someone
in the long run, too.

Many, many thanks.


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