WFS encoding problem

Milo van der Linden mlinden at ZEELANDNET.NL
Fri Jul 20 09:30:03 EDT 2007

For others to benefit from this discussion, I hereby post it to the
Mapserver list,

Daniel, special thanks for your response!

I cannot find information about the gml_encoding parameter anywhere, and
when I add it to my mapfile, it doesn't influence the encoding that is

This is a link to the mapfile that has "gml_encoding" set to "UTF-8"

Can it be that it should be "wfs_encoding"?
Should it be placed in the web metadata section of the MAP or of the Layer?

Kind regards,

> When I query my WFS for towns within the bounding box of for instance
> Chili;
> towns that are named with special characters in my mapinfo table like
> CURICÓ Are misinterpreted by the mapserver xml-generator: the output
> gml is <ms:City>CURIC�/ms:City&gt;
> Can you tell me how to fix this? I am using Mapserver 4.10.2

Hi Milo,

I think what you need to do is find out which encoding is used by your
TAB file (you'll find that on the Charset line of the .tab file if you
open it in a text editor) and then specify a "gml_encoding" metadata in
the web section of your mapfile. The name you use for the encoding in
the gml_encoding metadata may not be exactly the same as what you find
in the .tab file's Charset line, you may have to find the encodig name
that is suitable for use in a <?xml ... encoding="..." > element.

Unfortunately I can't find anything about this in the docs, but I do
know that the option is available and has been there for a while.

BTW, next time please use the mapserver-users list. Others on the list
may have the answer to your questions or may benefit from seeing your
questions/answers in the list archives.

Daniel Morissette


Milo van der Linden
mlinden at <mailto:mlinden at>
milovanderlinden at <mailto:milovanderlinden at>
milo at <mailto:milo at>


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