Querying using georefferencial units

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed May 9 23:37:37 EDT 2007

Hi Eduardo: Sure, this is no problem. All the query routines expect map units (not pixels) and it's the CGI program that does that conversion before-hand.

To query by point use mapxy, by bbox use mapext and by shape use mapshp. For example:



>>> Eduardo Zenaide <ezenaide at GMAIL.COM> 05/09/07 2:28 PM >>>
Hi, list.

ok, i am able to get polygon extents.
but the query string is made using a pixel referrencing based on previous
there's a way to tell MapServer to query using georeferrencing units? or
maybe any way to convert the pixel units to georreferencial?

i'm using an application based on GMap and i've seen some GMapPix2Geo
function on the code. this could be used on the query string?

Eduardo Zenaide

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