Querying using georefferencial units

Eduardo Zenaide ezenaide at GMAIL.COM
Fri May 11 08:02:12 EDT 2007

thanks, Steve, but there's one thing i didn't understand:

when MapServer do the query, it uses the georreferencial units, ok. but, it
uses pixels to do the zooming thing. like this:


... var_minxp=&var_minx=-


the final part is used to do the zoom. with ROSA tool it works, but i'm
trying to do this using a search string with a text box. my function do


function determinaQSTRING() {
        var hostPar = "http://localhost:82/zaal/al.php?";
        var keymapPar = "KEYMAPXSIZE=100&KEYMAPYSIZE=75&";
        var layerFixa = "Limite_Estadual_AL=Y&grid=Y&";
        var layer = document.pesquisa.layersList.value;
        var modePar = "&CMD=QUERY_POINT&INPUT_TYPE=auto_rect&";
        var imagePar = "imagewidth=760&imageheight=570";
        var queryEntry = document.pesquisa.busca.value;
        var operador = document.pesquisa.operadores.value;
        var minx = "minx=-37.561294&";
        var miny = "miny=-9.304462&";
        var maxx = "maxx=-37.228709&";
        var maxy = "maxy=-9.160048&";
        document.pesquisa.qstring.value = "(\"[NOME]\" "+ operador +" /"+
queryEntry +"/)";
        window.opener.document.location = hostPar + keymapPar + layerFixa +
layer + "=Y&" + minx + miny + maxx + maxy + imagePar + modePar +


i've tried to change the minx, miny, etc vars to get the actual size of
queried layers using the [shpxy] and [shpminx], etc. i'm still trying to
figure it out, but i've already tested using the exactly coordinates - just
as in the function above - and didn't work.
when the query is made through the search string, it gets this INPUT_COORD
to zoom. and it uses pixel units. i think if i could convert the pixel units
to georreferencial it will work.

sorry to bother and all, but i'm really stuck with it.

thanks in advance :)

2007/5/10, Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us>:
> Hi Eduardo: Sure, this is no problem. All the query routines expect map
> units (not pixels) and it's the CGI program that does that conversion
> before-hand.
> To query by point use mapxy, by bbox use mapext and by shape use mapshp.
> For example:
>   http://.../cgi-bin/mapserv?map=
> my.map&mode=query&qlayer=parcels&mapxy=1234.5678+1234.5678
> Steve
> >>> Eduardo Zenaide <ezenaide at GMAIL.COM> 05/09/07 2:28 PM >>>
> Hi, list.
> ok, i am able to get polygon extents.
> but the query string is made using a pixel referrencing based on previous
> image.
> there's a way to tell MapServer to query using georeferrencing units? or
> maybe any way to convert the pixel units to georreferencial?
> i'm using an application based on GMap and i've seen some GMapPix2Geo
> function on the code. this could be used on the query string?
> --
> Eduardo Zenaide

Eduardo Zenaide
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