speeding up the gdalwarp process for mosaicing and reprojection

John Mitchell mitchelljj98 at GMAIL.COM
Mon May 14 17:51:56 EDT 2007


I have run the following gdalwarp command

gdalwarp.exe -wo SKIP_NOSOURCE=YES -rc -s_srs EPSG:" + EPSG + " -t_srs
EPSG:" + EPSG_wgs84 + " -of HFA " + " -q " + inputFiles + " " + outputFile

against a group of geotiff files which both mosaics and reprojects them to
wgs84 and it works fine, but it takes 22:47 hours to generate the 52.89 GB
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to speed up the gdalwarp process.  I
have noticed that the 4 processor server is only being utilized between
14-26% across all 4 processors.  Is their a way to force a higher
utilization of these processors?  I have in past tried to run 2 gdalwarp
jobs simultaneously and I have noticed that it takes them much longer
compared to the total time when running serially (meaning one after the


John J. Mitchell
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