[mapserver-users] How to improve raster imagery display ?

Mike Flannigan mikeflan at att.net
Mon Sep 15 11:28:54 PDT 2008

Good luck with your new assignment. You did a great
job on TopoZone.

A question for everybody on the list. When I go to
the Archives at
and download the GZiped text file, I don't get
good text even after converting from UNIX to
DOS format. I get garbage like this:

Can anybody suggest a method of obtaining the archives
in text format for easy searching?

Mike Flannigan

On Sat, 13 Sep 2008, ed at mcnierney.com wrote:
 >Folks -
 >I would suggest searching the mailing list archives for the many posts 
mentioning "McNierney", or "TopoZone" or "raster" or all three, as I've 
posted at length and repeatedly on this sort of topic before. Others 
have done so as well - I just remember my own writings better <g>. I 
successfully served over 50 TB of raster imagery to relatively heavy 
user loads with MapServer, and commented frequently on the approach I used.
 >The most important point is to preprocess as much as possible. In this 
case that means (a) avoiding resampling by storing the data at the 
permitted output resolutions, and (b) storing the data in an 
uncompressed simple raster format. PNG is an option, as is TIFF. If you 
need 24-bit data you may want to consider tiled TIFFs using JPEG 
compression as a compromise (again, search the archives for this topic, 
especially comments by Frank Warmerdam).
 > - Ed
 >Ed McNierney
 >205 Indian Hill Road
 >Groton, MA 01450
 >ed at mcnierney.com

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