[mapserver-users] Problems with MapScript and setProjection

Tim Wood accounts.nabble at datawranglers.com
Mon Feb 9 13:19:00 EST 2009

Tom, that PPT linked from your example is filled with good stuff.  
Anyway, I took your example and did some minor changes to make it work 
with mapscript as Fedora installs it and my data. Then I added the 
ability to turn projection on & off. With the projection off, everything 
works great. But, I'm still getting a blank image with the projection 
turned on. If anyone has any pointers on what's wrong with the code 
(below) I'd appreciate it.

Tim Wood


// Where my key directories are located
$doc_root = '/var/www/html';
$rel_path = "example1/round2";
$base_path = "$doc_root/$rel_path";

// An empty map file
$base_map = "$base_path/data/empty.map";

// The data I'm using (Statistics Canada's 2006 FSA files)
$shape_path = "$base_path/data/zcta/zt08_d00_shp/";     // goofy path 
I'm too lazy to fix
$shape_file = "gfsa000b06a_e";                          // works with or 
w/o the extension
$shape_file_projection = "+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83";

// The Extents (area) I want in latitude, longitude (Canada)
list( $ex0, $ex1, $ex2, $ex3 ) = array(-140, 40, -50, 55 );

// Describe the rest of my output
$output_projection = '';
$output_projection = "+proj=tcc +lon_0=90w +ellps=GRS80";
$output_file_rel = "output/index2.png";
$output_file_path = "$base_path/$output_file_rel";
list($output_width, $output_height ) = array( 600, 500 );

// Load MapScript extension
if (!extension_loaded("MapScript"))  dl('php_mapscript.'.PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX);

// add map
$map = ms_newMapObj( $base_map );

// tdw temp
$map->setExtent( $ex0, $ex1, $ex2, $ex3 );

// Set the shapepath
$map->set( 'shapepath', $shape_path );
// Set the output format and size
$map->selectOutputFormat( 'png' );
$map->setSize( $output_width, $output_height );

// add new layer to map
$layer = ms_newLayerObj($map);
$layer->set("name", "foo");
$layer->set("status", MS_ON);
$layer->set("data", $shape_file );
$layer->set("type", MS_SHAPE_POLYGON );
$layer->setProjection( $shape_file_projection );

// This line hides a bunch of errors that appear iff $output_projection 
is set
$layer->set("template", "ttt");
$layer->set("dump", "true");

// add new class to new layer
$class = ms_newClassObj($layer);
$class->set("name", "foo");

// add new style to new class
$style = ms_newStyleObj($class);
$style->color->setRGB(255, 0, 0);
$style->outlinecolor->setRGB( 128,128,128 );

if( $output_projection != '' ) {   // Project and Draw
        // create new rect to query against the new layer
        $rect = ms_newRectObj();
        $rect->setExtent( $ex0, $ex1, $ex2, $ex3 );

        // query new layer
        $layer->queryByRect( $rect );
        $map->queryByRect( $rect );

        // set projection of output map
        $map->setProjection($output_projection, MS_TRUE);

        // draw
        $image = $map->drawQuery();
} else {      // Just draw the map
        // draw
        $image = $map->draw();

// Save the image
$image->saveImage( $output_file_path );

        <img src="<?PHP print $output_file_rel; ?>">

Kralidis,Tom [Ontario] wrote:
> I've added a small example at:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/wiki/PHPMapscriptAddLayerQueryReproject
> Hope this helps.
> ..Tom
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org on behalf of Tim Wood
> Sent: Sat 07-Feb-09 22:55
> To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: [mapserver-users] Problems with MapScript and setProjection
> I've been round and round with setProjection in MapScript and 
> setProjection today. I either get the infamous blank image  or the image 
> returns in the same proportions as the original lat/long data. Proj 
> seems to be (at least partially) working because if I forget something 
> like +ellps=[blah blah], it throws an error.
> I'd like to look at a simple php mapscript example of creating a map, 
> adding a layer, adding something to that layer (e.g. my a simple query 
> against a lat/long shapefile) and then project that another way (tmerc, 
> lcc, whatever). But, I have yet to find one. Can someone share a working 
> example or know of one on the web?
> Tim Wood

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