[mapserver-users] SLD with Mapserver 5.4.2

Andrea Dessì nkjoep at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 11:16:42 EDT 2009

Michael Schulz ha scritto:
> Hi Andrea,
> mapserver uses sld in "library" mode, meaning that if for a certain
> layer of the mapfile an sld symbolization is provided it takes
> precedence over the mapfile symbolization. If for another layer no sld
> id provided, then the mapfile symbolization is used. Thus, As far as I
> know you can only "replace" the symbolization of a complete layer and
> not add styling in a sense of taking the labelling definitions from
> the mapfile and the fill-color from the sld for one layer.
Yes, it's working now ;)
> It may nevertheless be that some definitions regarding symbolization
> are mixed, e.g. the transparency settings of a layer is kept when
> applying an sld (at least this was the case for older versions).
> When you really want to add something to the symbolization, a possible
> approach would be to use the getstyle request to obtain mapserver's
> sld-representation of the current layer styling, then you could add or
> modify that and sent it back modified for a getmap request.
Michael, using java, we get the layer's style from the request.
Before doing the new request to WMS server, we tried to extract the
old style and then add a new style (in the new request there are  the 
old and the  new ones)

So using geotools we have:

      StyleImpl styleImpl = new StyleImpl(); // istantiate new Style
      List<FeatureTypeStyle> featuresStyles = new
    ArrayList<FeatureTypeStyle>(); //define list of styles
      featuresStyles.add(featureTypeStyle); // defining style list
      styleImpl.setFeatureStyles(featuresStyles);   // applying feature
    styles to the current style
      List<StyleImpl> st = new ArrayList<StyleImpl>(); // the new style list
      st.add(style); // adding the old style coming from the request
      st.add(styleImpl); // adding our new style
      // then defining the new request with layer...
      Layer l = new Layer(); 


So we are trying to:
 - ask getCapabilites to WMS  server
 - retrieving the style list from the layer
 - retrieve the old style from the layer
 - create a new style for the layer
 - insert one old style and a new one to the layer
 - do a request with the elaborated layer

result: not working :)

is it a good approach?

Thank you,

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