[mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript c# VS 2010 framework 4 and memory leaks

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Sun May 2 16:36:51 EDT 2010

2010/4/22 James Perrins <JamesP at esdm.co.uk>

> Hi Tamas,
> Adding the following line into the AssemblyInfo.cs file for
> mapscript_csharp
> [assembly: SecurityRules(SecurityRuleSet.Level1)]
> Seems to avoid the transparency security error (though it does seem to have
> introduced something else in my app - but it works for a simple test app
> (just populating a mapObj with a .map file)

I've fixed the security error issue in MapServer 5-4 / 5-6 and the
development version. I've also set up the build system on
http://vbkto.dyndns.org/sdk/  to provide packages for Visual Studio 2010.
Feel free to try this out.

> However - unfortunately after all this - it doesn't seem to make any
> difference to the original problems with the memory errors.  I had hoped by
> compiling to CLR 4 these would go but they haven't.  So I'm back to square
> one - it doesn't work with CLR 4.
> Any other ideas whey there might be memory issues ?
This issue is not completely clear to me, however it doesn't seem to occur
with the debug builds. For this reason I've altered the build process to
include a csc /debug:full compiler option for the VS2010 builds.

This behavour may be due to a change in the garbage collector handling with
CLR4, I suspect some objects may be garbage collected earlier than expected,
but the debug builds may enlarge the lifespan of those objects at least
within the scope of a particular function call. I will investigate this
issue futher.

Best regards,

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