[mapserver-users] mapserver6 (was 5) postgis connection problem

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Fri May 27 10:07:21 EDT 2011

On 05/27/2011 02:32 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> sudo -u <apache_user> ./mapserv -nh
> "QUERY_STRING=map=osmwm.map&mode=map">  /tmp/test11.png

Ok thanks for you tip, tried both these version:

sudo -u apache ./mapserv -nh QUERY_STRING='map=osmwm.map&mode=map' >

sudo su -s /bin/sh apache -c "./mapserv -nh
'QUERY_STRING=map=osmwm.map&mode=map' > /tmp/test19.png"

and BOTH are working and generating png's (while looking into 'top' to
see if it was indeed the user 'apache' which was running the
mapserver-command: it was)

Still url below: is NOT:

Permission problem is the most obvious reason... What is special on
running a cgi trying to connect to postgis? It's not trying to write to
something is it?
As said, I compiled both mapserver and gdal myself, which files need
special permissions?

Tested with a shapefile layer, that one is working ok

Capabilities also:



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