AW: [mapserver-users] Mapserver Projection Errors

Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLKM Andreas.Eichner at
Fri Oct 21 08:46:06 EDT 2011

The error is caused by the msOWSPrintBoundingBox() function during the
GetCapabilities request because there's no {ows,wms}_srs metadata set.
The used function msOWSGetEPSGProj() tries to fall back to the
projections "init=" parameter but isn't available here.
It seems the whole thing is used to support bounding boxes for multiple
coordinate systems in the GetCapabilities document. This might only have
an effect if using WMS v1.3.0, {ows,wms}_bbox_extended metadata set to
"true" and {ows,wms}_srs projection list with more than one entry. In
such a case the original layer extent must be reprojected in  the listed
SRS which might fail. In your case this might have no negativ impact
beside the error message.
To get rid off the message you need to set a {ows,wms}_srs metadata at
layer level. It seems to be used to advertise the layer's CRS and build
the multi BBOX feature only. Altough it might not harm you it might
cause trouble in the future....

>    NAME "test_image"
>    EXTENT 51.44325 35.71925 51.64125 35.87325
>       "wms_title" "test_image"
>       "wms_extent" "51.44325 35.71925 51.64125 35.87325"
>    END
>    DATA "/data/geodata/yongbyon/test_image.vrt"
>       "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs"
>    END

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