[mapserver-users] Mapserver + PostGIS ==> Blank Screen

cheryl buckley cheryl.bckl at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 05:00:19 PST 2012

Hi fellows,

thank you for your assistance with the Mapserver issue I've had. I compiled
the mapserver 6.1-dev from the SVN respository and it worked! :)

Kind regards


I'm trying to get Mapserver connected with PostGIS. PostGIS is holding
a shape2pgsql contourline import in the table "atest" while a test has
the following columns (shape2pgsql default):

| Actions | gid | id | height | geom |

Quantum GIS picks the conection up perfectly to atest but with
Mapserver I just get a blank screen - or the color of IMAGECOLOR [. .
.] definition in *.map definitions.

Somehow it seems like I got the connection between Mapserver and
PostGIS running - at least the debug.log doesn't complain. But still
I'm not seeing any of my contour lines as I'm used to by Quantum GIS

Could someone give me a hint of what I'm missing out or where my mistake is?
I got the feeling that it is either has something to do with the DATA
property or the projection properties …

The Link with which I call the mapserv binary is:
But then it complains:
msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Unable to initialize image.
msPrepareImage(): General error message. Image dimensions not
specified. msCalculateScale(): General error message. Invalid image
width or height.

So I changed it to the following:
which results in fortunately no errors but therefore in a blank screen
with a clean debug.log ...

Even this one wont change anything:

I attached some screenshots for clearity . . .
. . . my test-2.map definition is attached below:

P.S.: TEMPLATE "./Maps/test.map" does exist and is read and writeable
to the user which runs the webserver (Apache => User: www)
CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "/usr/local/share/proj/" should also be valid:

FreeBSD [~]# ls /usr/local/share/proj
FL                      WO                      hawaii
null                    stlrnc
GL27                    alaska                  nad.lst
nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb      stpaul
IGNF                    conus                   nad27
other.extra             world
MD                      epsg                    nad83
TN                      esri                    ntf_r93.gsb             prvi
WI                      esri.extra              ntv1_can.dat

# =================================== test-2.map
=================================== #


   CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "/usr/local/share/proj/"
   CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "./debug.log"
   DEBUG 5

   IMAGECOLOR 100 100 100

   NAME      "Contour"
   EXTENT    -90 -180 90 180


           WMS_NAME                         "Contour"
           WMS_TITLE                        "SRTM - ContourLines"
           WMS_ABSTRACT                     "My First Web Map Server"
           WMS_SERVER_VERSION               "1.1.1"
           WMS_SRS                          "EPSG:4326"
           WMS_ATTRIBUTION_TITLE            "Some Attribute Title"
           WMS_ATTRIBUTION_ONLINERESOURCE   "http://www.myHomepage.com/"
           WMS_FEATURE_INFO_MIME_TYPE       "text/html"
           WMS_CONTACTPERSON                "Some Reference Person"
           WMS_CONTACTVOICETELEPHONE        "+49-phoneNumber"
           WMS_CONTACTORGANIZATION          "Private"
           WMS_ENCODING                     "utf-8"

   LAYER # query layer from PostgreSQL table
           NAME          "Contour"
           EXTENT        143 -20 145 -19
           TYPE          LINE
           STATUS        ON
           DEBUG         ON
           TEMPLATE      "./Maps/test.map"
           DUMP          true
               WMS_NAME          "Contour"
               WMS_TITLE         "Contour Lines - 90m"
               WMS_ABSTRACT      "Contour Lines - 90m"
               WMS_SRS           "EPSG:4326"
               GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all"

           CONNECTION    "host= port=5432
dbname=my_spatial_db user=admin password=******"
           DATA          "geom FROM atest using unique gid using srid=4326"

                   COLOR 000 000 000
                   OUTLINECOLOR 199 199 199



# =================================== debug.log
=================================== #

FreeBSD [/usr/local/www/cgi-bin/Maps]# cat ./debug.log

[Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].3032 CGI Request 1 on process 2663
[Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].10325 msDrawMap(): rendering using
outputformat named png (AGG/PNG).
[Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].10365 msDrawMap(): WMS/WFS set-up and query,
[Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].10388 msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s
[Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].10398 msDrawMap() total time: 0.007s
[Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].76893 msSaveImage(stdout) total time: 0.066s
[Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].77721 mapserv request processing time
(loadmap not incl.): 0.075s
[Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].77749 msFreeMap(): freeing map at 0x29879800.
[Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].77839 msPostGISLayerIsOpen called.



 One issue could be that you've asked Mapserver to render the entire world:

EXTENT    -90 -180 90 180

into a small image:


Adjust the extents of the output image to be the extent of you contour
data.  I see that you've given that in your LAYER definition

           EXTENT        143 -20 145 -19

so try that for the map extent (but I think it would be valid only if the
contours were stored in a Geographic system and not a Projected system).
What SRS are you storing your data in?  The same as your display

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser


Hi Brent,

Thanks for your reply.

The SRS my data is stored in WGS84.

Unfortunately, I am not getting configuration file right. I adjusted the
map EXTENT to something smaller,


Extent 16 -28 25 -16

The layer extent I also adjusted to the output image of the contour data,


Extent 17.002 -20.965 18.007 -20.002

I played around with the figures a little but I get this error message at
all times,

"msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'Contour'.
msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error. Error (ERROR: function
geomfromtext(unknown, integer) does not exist LINE 1: ...R'),'hex') as
geom,"gid" from atest where geom && GeomFromTe... ^ HINT: No function
matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit
type casts. ) executing query: select
encode(ST_AsBinary(ST_Force_2D("geom"),'NDR'),'hex') as geom,"gid" from
atest where geom && GeomFromText('POLYGON((15.8348164627364
-28,15.8348164627364 -16,25.1651835372636 -16,25.1651835372636
-28,15.8348164627364 -28))',4326)"

Since this is my first time configurating a mapfile, I am unsure of what is
essential and what not, thus, I copied and pasted the script and adjusted
it to my CONNECTION details. I am not too sure whether it is vital to have
both a "map extent" and a "layer extend"?

Do you perhaps have any hints in this regard?

Best Regards


Yikes!   That looks like a compatibility problem.  PostGIS has been
changing their function names (e.g. from "GeomFromText" to
"ST_GeomFromText"), and I don't  think Mapserver has kept up.  Can you use
an older version of PostGIS (<2.0)?



Opened a ticket for this problem:


Add yourselves to the CC list if you want to track it.

-Steve W

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