[mapserver-users] How to deal with (visible) CONNECTION information in .MAP file for WMS purposes

Stefan Schwarzer stefan.schwarzer at unep.org
Mon Jan 6 01:16:06 PST 2014

Hi there,

I am wondering how to deal with the CONNECTION information in the .MAP which is used for WMS requests. As the .MAP file must be visible and is readable, the CONNECTION information for my database is readable too.

	    # Layers definition ---------------------
	        NAME wilderness_areas_po 
				'wcs_label'           'Wilderness Areas'
				'wcs_rangeset_name'   'test'
				'wcs_rangeset_label'  'test label'
	        TYPE RASTER
	        STATUS OFF
	        DATA wilderness_areas_po
	        CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
	        CONNECTION 'user=my_username password=my_password dbname=my_database' 			

Either I would then need to create a very simple user for that case which really only can read the data, or I should hide the file in a directory which is not readable by a webuser. But I guess that Mapserver wouldn't like that.

What are your recommendations?

Thanks for any hints.


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