[mapserver-users] mapcache fastcgi

Sebastiano Laini Sebastiano.Laini at BuchananComputing.co.uk
Wed Oct 17 02:15:42 PDT 2018

Hi all,

In the end I tried MapCache with sqlite3 cache but it's very slow compared with the disk cache, so I want to setup MapCache with fastCGI on CentOS 7.

I don't understand what I need to install as the fastCGI link in the documentation is broken and I don't know if is up to date.

I already have apache fgcid installed from default in the httpd folder and I use PHP in fastCGI in all the domains, so I'm sure that fastCGI it works, though, I still need the fastCGI library? How can I install it in CentOS 7?

In my apache conf I've already added the lines to load the mapcache module and the mapcache.xml file

LoadModule mapcache_module    modules/mod_mapcache.so

<IfModule mapcache_module>
   <Directory /path/to/directory>
      Require all granted
   MapCacheAlias /mapcache "/path/to/directory/mapcache.xml"

I need to leave the previous configuration and add these new lines in the conf files?

FcgidInitialEnv "MAPCACHE_CONFIG_FILE" "/path/to/mapcache/mapcache.xml

<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
   IPCCommTimeout 120
   MaxProcessCount 10
   FcgidInitialEnv "MAPCACHE_CONFIG_FILE" "/path/to/mapcache/mapcache.xml"
   <Location /map.fcgi>
      Order Allow,Deny
      Allow from all
      SetHandler fcgid-script
  ScriptAlias /map.fcgi "/path/to/mapcache/src/mapcache"

And then instead of http://myserver/mapcache I need to use http://myserver/fcgi-bin to access mapcache fcgi?


Sebastiano Laini
Web Developer
Buchanan Computing
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