[mapserver-users] Rendering TrueType labels.

Marek Bąk rainy3 at poczta.onet.pl
Wed Feb 27 08:00:59 PST 2019

Hello All,

Can anyone explain how the rendering engine works? For example I have 
four layers:

case1. Polygon

case2. Point which is presented as symbol (circle) with truetype label

case3. Polygon which is more detailed version of layers case1

case4. Point which is presented as symbol (circle) with truetype label 
which is more detailed version of layers case2

The problem is that composition (shadownig) during rendering (default 
src-over compop) works only for Polygon and Symbol. The label is 
preserved and final tile has one Symbol but with two labels. Is there 
any way to disable that behaviour?



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