[VisCom] FOSS4G Conference Summary

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Tue Oct 3 16:31:28 EDT 2006

Just to clarify, I posted it using my blog site, but that was just  
for convenience to get it to you.  I won't mind removing it from  
there and sending out through other means instead once I've got your  


On 3-Oct-06, at 1:08 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've put together a summary of the conference, from my personal  
> highlights and from OSGeo's perspective.
> http://spatialguru.com/index.php? 
> option=com_content&task=view&id=33&Itemid=43
> I would like to offer it as something we can use to spread the word  
> about the great conference and the Sol Katz award.
> I cc:'d Markus, Luc, Claude and Jeff in the hopes that their eyes  
> could find any errors I may have made about some of the details.
> What do you think we could do with it?  Any important changes that  
> you see should be done?
> Tyler
> On 2-Oct-06, at 9:19 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
>> If someone wants to take a first cut at writing something up, I  
>> will help formalizing and publishing.  (This has come up before,  
>> but no one has yet volunteered...)
>> -mpg
>> From: Markus Neteler [mailto:neteler.osgeo at gmail.com]
>> Sent: Mon 10/2/2006 2:31 AM
>> To: discuss at mail.osgeo.org
>> Cc: OSGeo-VisCom
>> Subject: [VisCom] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Press around FOSS4G 2006
>> On 10/2/06, Jeroen Ticheler <jeroen.ticheler at fao.org> wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> > I have (tried to) keep my eyes open for any news in the press
>> > regarding the FOSS4G conference in Lausanne. Among the things I
>> > monitored where the Directions Magazine, GIM International and GIS
>> > monitor newsletters. I may be wrong here, but the only thing I read
>> > in these was the (not insignificant) announcement from DM Solutions
>> > that they started offering commercial support. Anyone read other
>> > news? Did we miss an opportunity here or did I miss it? I remember
>> > reading more on OSGEO 2005.
>> > Ciao,
>> > Jeroen
>> Hi Jeroen,
>> (cc VisCom)
>> I totally agree - in my opinion there should have been a press
>> release (it can still be done). Especially in terms of the proposed
>> change to make it an OSGeo event. The impact of a press
>> release was probably underevaluated... Hopefully it will happen
>> asap. It is also a sort of "thank you" to the great work done by
>> the organizers and involved people.
>> best,
>> Markus
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