[Incubator] Branding/Sales information required in Graduation Template

Robert Bray rbray at robertbray.net
Tue Oct 24 01:48:47 EDT 2006

We should probably have a template for that report. Do any of the 
existing projects already have some kind of status report we could use 
to kick start that process?


Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> On 23-Oct-06, at 2:35 PM, Arnulf Christl wrote:
>> There is more to this, we have not really specified what happens to a
>> project once it is graduated, curently all processes simply stop, this
>> cannot be in our interest. We have addressed th bug tracker issue but
>> there is no control or agenda which would bring this up excpet the 
>> project
>> does it out of its own interest.
> This may be minor, but would it be good if all projects could produce 
> monthly status reports outlining key developments, improvements, 
> roadblocks - perhaps number of squashed bugs or something like that.  
> This could serve as a metric for monitoring project activity - but can 
> also serve as a source for a consolidate 'news' or community update.  
> This would help encourage projects to continue to be active and a good 
> way to keep the board informed of growing issues.
> Tyler
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