[MetaCRS] Using CS-Map to retrieve WKT for EPSG CRS codes: Help?

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Wed Dec 17 13:09:16 EST 2008

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 09:53:23AM -0800, Norm Olsen wrote:
> Hello Christopher . . .
> This information helps a lot.  CS-MAP's origin goes back to the days
> when file names and function names had to be 8 characters or less and
> there were such things as near, far, and huge pointers.  So there is a
> lot of historical baggage in the library.  The long32_t and ulong32_t
> were invented to handle the problem of a 64 bit "long" on some
> machines/compilers.  It's good to know that Linux 64 is one of them.
> Without having a machine to test on, its easy for these errors to
> creep in.  Some day soon I will have access to a 64 bit machine and
> hope to be able to put Linux on it.


Offer to set you up with a Linux shell account on an OSGeo server
running 64-bit Linux stands, if you're interested :)

Is compiling on less common platforms, generally speaking, a goal of the
library? I don't want to flood you with bug reports about lack of
compilation on Mac if the answer is just "we have no intention of
supporting macs". Thus far, it seems that the changes to support
different machines I've tried are relatively minor, so I don't forsee
this being a major issue. (It's easy for things to atrophy when you
don't have access to a particular type of machine/setup!)  

Christopher Schmidt

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