[Journal] Reviewers assigned

Thierry Badard Thierry.Badard at scg.ulaval.ca
Thu Mar 5 17:12:49 EST 2009

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) a écrit :
>> yes, I too suggested adding a checklist - Thierry has kindly provided 
>> the actual questions,
>> I think they are good.
>> I would keep the numerical rating - the reviewer then expands and 
>> explains the rating
>> in the written part of the review. I usually do the rating first and 
>> then explain, comment
>> and make suggestions in the written part - it makes the writing much 
>> easier.
>> So you get 2 points for your graphics and then in the written part I 
>> say that your graphics
>> is unreadable and scale information is missing but I find it important 
>> for
>> the paper so please improve it.
>> It is great that we are getting this moving,
> Okay, I'll poke around in the system tomorrow and see where/how to fit 
> in the reviewer feedback cycle in a more structured way.  Thanks for the 
> feedback, let me know if you want to have a peek in the system too - the 
> more the merrier.

Maybe a first way to implement it and that does not require any 
development effort or complex modifcation of the tool, is simply that 
each reviewer copies and pastes the list of criteria at the beginning of 
the "comments to author" field. He/she provides then rating for each 
point, explains the rating and gives advices to improve the paper just 
below the list.

In addition, the procedure and a text form ready to be filled out could 
be sent together with the review request email. By this way, each 
reviewer (and especially new reviewers) will know exactly how to proceed 
and what kind of review is expected.

Another 2 cents ;-)


Prof. Thierry Badard, Ph.D.

Professeur au Département des sciences géomatiques
Chercheur régulier au Centre de Recherche en Géomatique
Chercheur régulier du Réseau de Centres d'Excellence GEOIDE
Chercheur collaborateur de la chaire de recherche
industrielle en base de données géospatiales décisionnelles
Responsable du projet de formation sur les normes
internationales en géomatique
Administrateur des projets open source GeOxygene et GeoKettle
(http://oxygene-project.sourceforge.net &
Membre votant de la fondation OSGeo

Département des sciences géomatiques
Faculté de foresterie et de géomatique
Pavillon Louis-Jacques Casault
1055, avenue du Séminaire
Local 1343
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6

Tél.: +1.418.656-7116 - Fax: +1.418.656-7411
Courriel : Thierry.Badard at scg.ulaval.ca
Web: http://geosoa.scg.ulaval.ca


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