[Journal] Volume 8 Rebellion

Sunburned Surveyor sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 14:26:46 EST 2010

Journal Team:

I decided to foment a bit of a rebellion with Version 8 of the Journal
by putting together a Scribus file that can be used to layout the
journal articles for conversion to PDF. The scribus file uses open
font files, the OSGeo color scheme, and tries to hold to the Volume 7
style as much as possible. (One small exception is that I changed the
section and article titles to green instead of black.)

The Scribus file uses master pages, linked text frames, paragraph
styles and autmatic page numbers to make page layout quick and simple.
I converted one of the peer review objects to PDF using this Scribus
file. Both the Scribus file and the PDF file created from it are
attached. I did this on my work computer, and Scribus is still a
little buggy on MS Windows, so there is a page numbering problem. I'll
try producing the PDF on my Linux box to see if this fixes the
problem. I'm also going to look into using the Python scripting
functionality of Scribus to automatically generate the total page
numbers shown at the bottom of the page.

I know most of you guys are hardcore LaTex fans, but I find LaTex
working with LaTex is like getting major dental work without a pain
killer. If we can use Scribus for Journal layout it eliminates my
dependence on everyone else for LaTex work. This means I can take care
of the post production work on the Journal sooner, which will speed up
our publication cycle. I know it is hard for people to make time for
the LaTex conversion, which isn't a short task, and I think things
will go smoother if I can start using an open source tool for post
production that I am familiar with.

Take a look at the attached files and let me know what you think. If
this is going to be acceptable to the group I can work on converting
the reminaing peer review articles for Volume 8 to PDF using Scribus.


PS - I'm also going to work on an epub template for the Journal when I
get some time.
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