[Journal] Volume 8 - moving along...

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Thu Dec 30 14:58:26 EST 2010

On December 30, 2010 09:30:27 am Eli Adam wrote:
> Tyler,
>      Thanks.  I started reviewing and have found some small revisions.  It
> may be easier to make small easy corrections with SVN.  Some tutorial
> links on latex and svn would help me on that.  And preferably some
> directions that are OSGEO specific.

Great!  For SVN, here's a good tutorial:

You'll "check out" the journal source code from:
http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/journal/volume_8/en-us - you can always grab a 
higher level folder too, if you want to have other files for background - eg. 
http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/journal - will give you all our past volume source 
code too.

For editing the source files, you edit the .tex files, save them and commit them 
back when you are happy with the result.  They are simple text files.  

Committing will require you to have an OSGeo UserID and for one of us other 
committers to add you to the group.  Holler if you don't have an id.

How you run/process/compile a PDF file will will depend on the operating system 
you are using.  I'm most familiar with Linux (apt-get install texlive I think) 
and Mac (MacTex comes with a helpful editor called TexShop) - yes, both 
platforms are huge :)

For some tutorials on basic latex usage, these look good.


One thing to keep in mind is that you will compile the main file 
OSGeoJournal_vol8.tex - not the other .tex files in the subfolders.   So, if 
you can't compile that main one, then you won't be able to do anything.  

Also, if you hit a wall, don't worry, make some changes, send me the new file 
and I can test it out on my system too.  Either way, your review is 

>      There are other larger or more complex changes that I will probably
> not be able to make by myself (changing the cover and spine year or
> paragraph alignment for instance).  What is the best method for those
> changes?

Hmm, anything relating to layout is done after all the typos and edits are 
done.  In some cases we'll throw in a \newpage command to break content more 
naturally, or even insert some \vspace{2cm} .. etc. to add some more.  

The cover is done up in GIMP I think, but finding a better way to do it is 
welcome.  The source files are in the graphics folder for each volume.

Hope that gets you started!  Let me know when you hit a wall!

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