[Journal] New OSGeo Journal Blog and Update on Volume 11

Landon Blake sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 12:03:54 PDT 2012

I've started a new blog for the Journal:

I'll be adding content there as I have the time. That includes updates
on the work of the Journal team and all the articles that are
published in the PDF edition. Hopefully this will get the journal and
its author's wider exposure. Please let me know if you have
suggestions for the blog, or if you want to help manage the comment
there. (I'd like to convert some of our past articles to blog posts,
and could use help with that.)

I've started work on some python code for raster analysis that I will
use for a topical article in Volume 11, which I'm excited about.

I hope to complete the following tasks this weekend:

1) Finish my introductory article on GIS data models this weekend.
2) Address review comments form Eli.
3) Review contributed article on PyCSW.

I'll add an annual report item from the Deegree Project early next week.

I'd still like to publish by the end of the month if we can.


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