[Journal] Help with IRS 501(c)(3) questions relating to Journal and annual report

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Nov 30 09:01:26 PST 2012

Dear Journal team,

Some of you probably saw on the board list in the last few weeks that 
OSGeo is still working to get 501(c)(3) non-profit status approved by 
the US IRS, and we are trying to qualify as an educational organization. 
The IRS seems to recognize our educational focus and they sent us a list 
of questions some of which are to clarify a few points relating to some 
of our activities, which include the Journal and annual report.

Please see questions  12, 13 and 14 at

I am sure I could come up with answers for those questions myself, but I 
would rather get the answers directly from those involved in those 

The answers do not need to be long, the attorney who is working with us 
on this recommended that we go straight to the point and stay focused on 
the actual question.

Could someone from the Journal team please take a few minutes to help 
answer those questions today? (Please edit the wiki directly)

Thanks in advance for your help

Daniel (OSGeo Treasurer)

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