[Northamerica] Re: North America Regional Chapter

Mark Lucas mlucas17 at mac.com
Fri Nov 4 15:25:50 EDT 2011


I've thought about this as well, but keep coming back to a northamerica chapter because many of the companies and consultants of key osgeo projects are in Canada, the primary focus is an annual north american conference.  As I have been working with NGA, NRO, and DoD, this hasn't been an issue - in fact there is increasing interest in the ITAR approved nature of an open source approach.

I think there is an easy path to start linking up with USGIF, MIL-OSS and others.  We have already started doing some of this.


On Nov 4, 2011, at 2:28 PM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

> I’m playing a bit in the defense/intel space these days, and I too am seeing lots of interest in open source.  I’d like to see OSGeo get involved in there, but the internat’l organization might not be the right venue for that (consider the political impact, among other things..)
> This would lead to a US chapter of OSGeo, though, not a NA one.
> Should the idea of engaging the NGA/USGIF/etc sector be distinct from the idea of a NA chapter/conference?
> -mpg
> From: Mark Lucas [mailto:mlucas17 at mac.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 1:20 PM
> To: northamerica at lists.osgeo.org; zachary at stauber.org
> Cc: dave at patton.org; aaronr at cugos.org; josh at cugos.org; Michael Gerlek; dane.springmeyer at gmail.com; Phillip Davis;a.canoune at gmail.com; dheerajchand at gmail.com
> Subject: North America Regional Chapter
> I'd like your input and feedback from the following, before expanding the request to the wider osgeo discuss list.
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/North_America_Regional
> I was recently re-elected to the OSGeo Board of Directors where we have been having a discussion on future organization and strategy.  I found your emails on the wiki associated with local chapters.
> The primary focus of this regional chapter would be to organize an annual north american conference and act as a resource for open source geospatial businesses and consultants as they promote OSS business models and solutions.  Recent discussion at the board level has suggested that the current board should act as an international umbrella for regional chapters.  Perhaps we end up with regional annual conferences in Europe, North America, Asia with the international foss4g conference cycling through the regions.
> Business practices, cultures, and focus areas will tend to be different and carry differing priorities in various regions.  Regional chapters could better address those needs.
> I'm focused on this because we are seeing a dramatic rise in interest for OSS geospatial software as government budgets are being slashed.  These government agencies are looking  for organizations to connect with.   There will be new opportunities for developers, consultants, and companies in the near term.  An annual regional conference is a good place to vector these agencies to.  As companies see these trends they are getting more interested in open source approaches - we therefore have an opportunity for increased sponsorship as well.
> We are not interested in duplicating effort, and this doesn't imply any sort of oversight or management of existing local chapters - quite the opposite, we would want to work with the local chapters for any conferences that might occur in those areas.
> I'd like to get your support, cooperation, and input as we sort through this and I'd encourage you to join up on the mailing list to help guide the process.  http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/northamerica
> As previously mentioned, after discussion with existing local chapters we plan on expanding the discussion to the osgeo discuss list before taking it back to the board.
> Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments.
> Mark

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