[OpenLayers-Dev] WMC, SLD support and Renderer Optimizations [was many threads]

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 16:58:33 EDT 2007

Can we please add "Filtering" to the list.
I have 2 requirements for Filtering:
1. To apply filtering to SLD, so you can say "when roadtype=local, set 
line color=green".
2. To reduce a GML dataset to a smaller dataset before a user downloads 
the dataset. (At the moment, I plan to implement this in Mapbuilder as 
it will be easier, but I'd prefer to use Openlayers if I can meet my 
project's budget and schedule.

I won't be at FOSS4G, but other Mapbuilder developers interested in this 
will be there and I'll be very interested in the outcomes.

Comments about proposals below:
1. If you are parsing WMC, I suggest you also consider parsing OWS 
Context. It should not be too much extra work, and OWS Context supports 
different data types like WFS and GML layers.
2. KML3 is likely to replace OWS Context and contain elements for OWS 
Context and KML 2, so keep that in the back of your mind too.
3. It would be very useful to have a WMC export function which is worth 
considering in your design.

Lorenzo Becchi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm just back from my holidays and solved the e-mail cue.
> As far as we are closer to Foss4g and the OL Code Sprint [1], it seems 
> (to me) the best solution would be to do as much as possible to let us 
> produce the maximum in that event.
> My proposal:
> - to use this month to refine everybody needing about WMC, SLD support 
> and Renderer Optimizations as they are the basic goals of the CodeSprint 
> (until now).
> -  the WebMap BoF [2] can be used to refine what we identify in a face 
> to face meeting.
> - The CodeSprint to do as much as we can and leave us with well defined 
> home works to do.
> I made this proposal convinced that CodeSprint targets are important to 
> all webMap projects. If I'm wrong, I'll be pleased to refactor the proposal.
> I have to apologize with Paul Spencer because I've changed the name of 
> the BOF in the Wiki page from "OpenLayers" to "WebMap". I've done it to 
> maintain continuity with Lausanne BOF. It can be easily rolled back if 
> there are different opinion.
> ciao
> Lorenzo
> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/FOSS4G2007_CodeSprint#OpenLayers
> [2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/FOSS4G2007_BOF_Sessions#WebMap
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Cameron Shorter
Systems Architect, http://lisasoft.com.au
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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