[OpenLayers-Dev] ship only with minimal build for 2.12

Peter Robins openlayers at peterrobins.co.uk
Tue Feb 28 04:28:17 EST 2012

On 28 February 2012 07:08, Eric Lemoine <eric.lemoine at camptocamp.com> wrote:
> So is the plan to ship two builds in the release archive, a full build and a
> light build? That sounds good to me. I wonder if we should also provide a
> mobile-specific build. And yes, we'll need to provide some text file in the
> release archive to describe what these builds are and provide, and how to
> create custom builds.

the last is already in
http://docs.openlayers.org/library/deploying.html (and would be better
if rebuilt to include my recent changes). Do we need to duplicate this
in a release archive? At the moment, documentation, much of it
out-of-date, is all over the place: api docs, examples,
docs.openlayers.org, trak wiki, doc/ and notes/, github readme, and
probably a few more I'm not aware of. Wouldn't it be better to have
one central online place for _all_ documentation?

Ideally, if you're going to have separate builds, the release should
also document which examples apply to which builds. This all sounds
like quite a lot of work to me.

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