[OpenLayers-Users] TileCache and KaMaps

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Wed Dec 6 10:22:25 EST 2006

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 06:29:08PM -0500, Chris Holmes wrote:
>> I'll also note that right now it seems to be having more blank images. 
>> It's not all pre-cached.  I've actually consistently had problems with 
>> areas that aren't pre-cached, they tend to not wait until the backend 
>> has returned, instead just return the broken images.  It would be great 
>> if I could get it so there's never the broken images, some just take a 
>> lot longer to load.
> I think we've talked about this before on the mailing list? This is most 
> likely an OpenLayers bug, if it's the same thing I've run into: have you
> been able to reproduce it without OpenLayers in the loop?
> Basically, I don't trust OpenLayers WMS to always request tiles on grids
> after looking at TileCache in OpenLayers for a while. Figuring out why
> is high on my priority list for OpenLayers development, but at the
> moment, OpenLayers development is not high on my priority list.

Oh yeah, I have brought this up before, but I think I brought up two 
issues at once.  One was zoom levels over 16 not working right, which is 
now fixed (thanks!), and I thought the answer to that was that 
OpenLayers wasn't requesting tiles right.

But you're saying that it's actually the cause to both?  Just in 
slightly different ways?  OpenLayers basically non-deterministically 
sometimes won't make the right request?    Hrm, that is tough.  I'll let 
you know if I find anything more deterministic.

best regards,


> It's unfortunate that this is happening, but I haven't been able to come
> up with a reasonable test case that can reproduce it, which makes
> debugging or fixing it hard.
> Regards,

Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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