[OpenLayers-Users] Reloading broken tiles?

Andrea Aime aaime at openplans.org
Sun Jul 8 05:53:11 EDT 2007

Gregor Mosheh ha scritto:
> A question that's come up a time or two here, is how one can reload 
> broken tiles without reloading the entire map and losing your view, 
> layer selection, etc.
> I have "OpenLayers.IMAGE_RELOAD_ATTEMPTS = 3" but still, it happens 
> sometimes. Is this param still used, and is increasing it my only 
> resort? Or does there exist a method for refreshing the current map view 
> and reloading all of the tiles -- does map.redraw() do this?

I'm also curious about this. I have the impression sometimes OpenLayers
is giving up on a tile too soon, is there any way to make it wait more?


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