[OpenLayers-Users] Tuning Open Layers

Eric Lemoine eric.c2c at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 18:09:49 EDT 2007

On 7/20/07, Joanne Cook <j.cook at oxfordarch.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have an openlayers site at http://mapdata.thehumanjourney.net, and I want to ensure that it's as optimised as possible because it's quite slow to load at the moment. I would like to ask for help from the openlayers community as to possible ways to improve the performance of the map.
> In return you'll get lots of good karma, mention in our code and on our blogs. Not much, I know, but it's all I can offer...
> My base data is served from an indexed postgresql/postgis database (there are a couple of thousand points in it).
> I know that I can't use tilecache with either the Virtual Earth or Google Earth base layer, so that's out of the question unless someone can point me in the direction of a base layer that does something similar to what I currently have.
> I have tried both mapserver and geoserver to serve the wms, and for the moment am using mapserver because it seems a little quicker.
> Any pointers that people can give me on tuning the performance (even if it's just to tell me to go and see the mapserver/geoserver folks) would be extremely gratefully received!
> Thanks


One thing: you don't seem to be using the compressed OpenLayers
library. I'd recommend looking into directory "build" and learn how to
build a compressed and specialized library.


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