[OpenLayers-Users] FeatureId after a wfs-t Insert ?

Husson Florian f.husson at brgm.fr
Tue Jul 24 10:44:16 EDT 2007


I work with OpenLayers 2.4 + Geoserver + PostGIS.

I have a problem when I do a wfs-t Insert request.

When I draw a feature and then save it into my PostGIS Table (FID serial
not null, THE_GEOM geometry), I receive a commit succes response, the
feature is correctly saved into my database, but in OpenLayers when I
display the featureId (fid) of this feature, fid = null.

And the only solution which I found to retrieve the fid is to refresh
the layer...and to display the fid after that.

Have you an idea from where the problem can come ?



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