[OpenLayers-Users] Unable to use both OpenLayers.Layer.Google and OpenLayers.Layer.TMS

Tim Schaub noreply at geocartic.com
Wed Jun 6 12:34:05 EDT 2007

bdw wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> I've been trying the GoogleMercator.js and it works great displaying my
> shape file through the WMS layer. I then thought I would try it displaying
> under TileCache, however I dont seem to get anything to display when the
> cache overlay is enabled.

It would be helpful to simplify things here.  You should first confirm 
that you can use TileCache to serve up just your layer in Mercator - 
with the same options that you use to configure the map with the 
GoogleMercator layer, but without overlaying on the GoogleMercator layer.

If this doesn't work (using your TileCache layer as the only layer in 
your map), take a look at the response for one of the tile requests.  I 
assume TileCache is complaining about not being able to calculate the 
tile index (or something similar).  You can see this response by 
entering the request in a browser (for a single tile).

If you get a complaint from TileCache about the tile index trouble, this 
is a TileCache issue - and likely has to do with the "tolerance" 
setting.  I'm using a patched version of TileCache that calculates 
tolerance relative to resolution - instead of using a static tolerance 
(even though 0.000001 may look like a very small number, it isn't always 
:).  I think the TileCache devs are going to be working on this issue 
sometime soon.

If you are not having trouble displaying your layer 
(bimaris:nzcoast_Reprojected or nzmap) through TileCache in EPSG:54004, 
then you have a different issue.  I don't really get why you have to use 
reproject=true (you mention reprojected below, but I'm guessing you mean 
reproject).  You should be able to use reproject=false since you are 
requesting all your layers in the same projection.  In fact this should 
be your default any time you are not overlaying on one of the commercial 
layers (GoogleMercator excluded).

I'm interested to hear what the issue is.

> I'm using GeoServer 1.5.1, the last line of the log file for the WMS calls
> looks like the following :-
> -  -  [06/06/2007:18:48:38 +0000] "GET
> /geoserver/wms?service=wms&LAYERS=bimaris%3Anzcoast_Reprojected&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=true&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&SRS=EPSG%3A54004&BBOX=15028131.257092%2C-1321834.329933%2C16280475.528516%2C-77747.563813&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256
> HTTP/1.1" 200 334
> The last line of the TileCache 1.8.1 output looks like :-
> - - [07/Jun/2007 06:48:06] "GET
> /?LAYERS=nzmap&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg&SRS=EPSG%3A54004&BBOX=15028131.257092%2C-1321834.329933%2C16280475.528516%2C-77747.563813&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256
> HTTP/1.1" 200 498
> The coordinates look the same, I had to change reprojected=true in-order to
> get the same coordiantes, if set to false its a completely different
> coordinate (not sure why its JPG either, my settings in the cache are for
> PNG).
> If I change back to Google.js both the cache and WMS work fine (apart from
> the cache being way off). Shape file is in 54004 and I use the same
> initialization options you have on your demo page.
> I may have missed something obvious, any ideas or help appreciated ?
> Brett.

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