[OpenLayers-Users] Intercept mouse click using Navigation control

Eric Lemoine eric.c2c at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 03:43:38 EDT 2008

On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 11:28 PM, Colin and Yvonne Law
<colinandyvonne at clanlaw.org.uk> wrote:
> Hi
>  A question from a newcomer who doesn't know what he is doing yet.
>  I wish to intercept mouse clicks on the map and found examples of how to
>  achieve this using OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults in the list archive. I
>  have got this working ok using code of the form:
>  olMouseDefaults = new OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults();
>  olMouseDefaults.defaultClick = function(evt) {
>   var point = this.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx( evt.xy );
>   alert("Got point:" + point);
>   OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
>   return false;
>  }
>  map.addControl(olMouseDefaults);
>  Unfortunately I now see from the source of MouseDefaults.js that this
>  control is now deprecated and I should be using the Navigation control.  I
>  cannot find any examples of how to achieve click interception using this
>  control and my attempts have all failed.
>  Help would be gratefully received.


You should use OpenLayers 2.6 and its click handler for intercepting
clicks on the map. See the click-handler.html example to understand
how to build a control based on that click handler.


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