[OpenLayers-Users] WMS and Google Maps - Overlayer Alignement

Salvaro asufsc at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 09:45:03 EDT 2008

I found a part of the generated JS, but it looks like useless:
"mapOptions_0 = (mapOptions = $MapOptions(new MapOptions()) ,
mapOptions.element['maxResolution'] = 156543.03125 , maxExtent = $Bounds(new
Bounds(), -20037508, -20037508, 20037508, 2.003750834E7) ,
mapOptions.element['controls'] = $JObjectArray_0(new JObjectArray(),
initValues(_3Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JavaScriptObject_2_classlit, 1184,
-1, [])).element , mapOptions.element['restrictedExtent'] =
maxExtent.element , mapOptions.element['numZoomLevels'] = 19 ,
mapOptions.element['projection'] = 'EPSG:900913' ,
$setAttribute_0(mapOptions, 'displayProjection', WSG84.element) ,
mapOptions.element['units'] = 'km' , mapOptions); "

But I found something "new", when I put the zoom in the maximun is possible
to change the position of Map in some metres (kilometres after I changed the
units), so, I guess the problem probably should be in the coordinates passed
when the map is with Spherical Mercator true (probably is passing anything
like 0.00023 in the place of 23.000), I find for something in the source of
the lib but if I change the value of coordinates direct in Navigation.js it
will not work in WMS. Is possible do something to pass the correct
coordinates to move the map? Is anything wrong in the code?

View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/WMS-and-Google-Maps---Overlayer-Alignement-tp781460p784107.html
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