[OpenLayers-Users] How do I change the commit URL for a WFS layer? or something ...

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri Feb 22 11:48:16 EST 2008

Hi all,

I'm trying to get a simple vector editing demo working.

I setup:

1) a wms base layer
2) a wfs layer based on mapserver

when I click a save button, that calls commit on the wfs layer it is 
sending the transaction back to mapserver which I know can not handle 
the request. This much is working as far as it goes.

So I'm thinking that if I can change the commit URL to send the 
transaction to say http://myhost/wfs-save.php

Then I can make that parse the results and write the request to postgis 
where the wfs layer is pulling its geometry from.

Would this work? or am chasing a rabbit down a nasty hole?

How does wfs-save.php need to respond to the save request to keep 
OpenLayers happy?

Is there a better way to do this with mapserver?

-Steve W

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