[OpenLayers-Users] OL users which one is better: MapServer or GeoServer

Tim Schaub tschaub at openplans.org
Mon Mar 3 17:51:15 EST 2008


Mike Quentel wrote:
> Hello fellow OL users.  Sorry in advance if this seems a bit "off the
> topic" (personally, I think it very relevant)...  

Yeah, I think this topic shouldn't go too far on this list, but I'll 
respond anyway.

> I know some of you use UMN MapServer, and others use GeoServer, and
> still others use a variety of other server-side mapping software.
> MapServer v GeoServer -- which one is better as far as:
> 1.  Performance?

Better, huh.  I think you'll get different answers from different people.

Refractions and TOPP co-lead a presentation on WMS performance at the 
FOSS4G conference this year.  You can see their slides showing results 
from some well-constrained tests:

> 2.  Stability?

My experience is that GeoServer is undergoing more rapid development 
than MapServer.  That is a comment on a different kind of stability than 
you may be asking about, but it's related.

> 3.  Ease of use and configuration/installation?

If you're a Windows person MS4W is a snap.  If you're a Java person, 
GeoServer is a snap.  If you're not covered by the union of those two 
sets, then the answer depends on your technical abilities.

> You could also look at this question as: "if I had to start all over
> again, I would use...".

I've had fun using both - and don't imagine I'd do anything differently.


> Many thanks.
> Mike Quentel
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