[OpenLayers-Users] Transforming from Gauß-Krüger to UTM

Max Stephan x.zam at gmx.net
Thu Aug 20 08:32:56 EDT 2009

Hi everyone!

I´m having problems with transforming my coordinates which are
Gauß-Krüger/Zone 4 (Germany). In order to add them to my map they should be
EPSG:4326 or EPSG:900913 (the google-EPSG). I tried to convert them wire the
method offered by OpenLayers (myCoords.transform(presentEPSG,targetEPSG). As
present EPSG I use EPSG:31486 (I guess that should be the right one) and as
targetEPSG I use EPSG:900913.

The code looks like this:
markerCoord.transform(new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:31468"),new

The input coordinates are for example 4426360 E 5489583 N, the output to
EPSG:900913 should be something in the area of 1220000 E 6360000 N. But when
I try transforming it the result is always exactly the same as the input

Any ideas how to solve this problem?

Greets and thx in advance
Max Stephan

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