[OpenLayers-Users] GetFeatureInfo and GML response

Stefanie Weykam stefanie at weykam.net
Fri Dec 18 04:38:58 EST 2009

Dear list members,

I need to send GetFeatureInfo requests and parse the response. Mi 
question is how to proceed...

The layers have different onlineResources and info_formats. Most of them 
support application/vnd.ogc.gml, others application/vnd.ogc.wms_xml, 
text/xml , text/html or text/plain.

I haven’t decided yet if the query will be processed on all visible 
layers or if the user shall select the layers one by one from a 
selection list. Anyway, the variables ‘url’ and ‘info_format’ for all 
queryable layers are stored in an array. Output will be displayed in a div.

So far I have tried with loadUrl and with WMSGetFeatureInfo control but 
I am having problems with the gml and xml responses. Which is the 
appropriate parser for gml/xml responses?
And by the way, how do I change the WMSGetFeatureInfo control options at 

Thanks in advance for your advice,

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