[OpenLayers-Users] Add new Parameter to options

Moataz Elmasry zaza1851983ml at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 22 07:39:55 EST 2009

Hello List

I've created a custom toolbar as follows:

OpenLayers.Control.CustomNavToolbar = 
OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control.Panel, {
     Map : null,
     initialize : function(options) {console.log(Map);}

Now I want to add the parameter Map to to the constructor:
var nav = OpenLayers.Control.CustomNavToolbar({Map:map})

On the console.log(Map) I get that object Map is not defined. When I 
call on the other hand console.log(options.Map) I get the actual object.

How can I define the parameter so that I can directly use "Map" instead 
of options.Map?

Thank you very much in advance

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