[OpenLayers-Users] Feature selection

Dave Potts dave.potts at pinan.co.uk
Tue Feb 3 20:06:58 EST 2009

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 01:00:10AM +0000, Dave Potts wrote:
>> Is it possible to have to vectore features active at the same time and 
>> be able to select on both at the same time?
>> I have a map loaded with a map base layer and two vector feature layers.
>> If I install a different callback function on both layers only the last 
>> declared one seem to work? ie its only possible to select from one layer
> "As of OpenLayers 2.7, there is no support for selecting features from
> more than a single vector layer at a time. The layer which is currently
> being used for selection is the last one on which the .activate() method
> of the attached select feature control was called." --
> http://docs.openlayers.org/library/overlays
> Regards,
I take back what I said about the documentation!

I only found the javadoc style docuemntation that tells you about the 
parmeters, I did'nt find this rather useful page.

Is there any chance of link the two documentation sets?

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