[OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayer.WMS Problem

Heiko Schröter schroete at iup.physik.uni-bremen.de
Wed Sep 30 08:46:14 EDT 2009


 this call works:
          var mapfile = '/var/www/localhost/htdocs/country98/heiko5.map';
          var http_mapserver = 'http://mailserv2/cgi-bin/mapserv';
          var wL = 'PSC'
	  var psclayer   = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(wL, 
				                   {map: mapfile,
				                    layers: wL,
				                    "map.layer[PSC]": somevalue,
				                    transparent: true},
				                   {singleTile:true, isBaseLayer: false,
				                    wrapDateLine: true,
				                    queryable: true});

Replacing "map.layer[PSC]" with the following 'var filterstring' won't work:
	  var filterstring = '\"map.layer[' + myprod  + ']\"';
	  var psclayer   = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(wL, 
				                   {map: mapfile,
				                    layers: wL,
				                    filterstring: somevalue,
				                    transparent: true},
				                   {singleTile:true, isBaseLayer: false,
				                    wrapDateLine: true,
				                    queryable: true});

The filterstring is not passed too the webserver query string though it looks like exactly the first case.
Removing the double qoutes int he string variable won't change a thing.
I like to generalize the call to have a general function to call and not a specialized one. Passing arguments, parameter etc.

Any hints or pointers welcome.

Thanks and Regards

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