[OpenLayers-Users] Re: adding KML file

vrbikdan vrbikdan at gmail.com
Sun Feb 13 09:05:44 EST 2011

> Below some code to show how you can accomplish your task. You have to use
> the projection sphericalMercator, to get your features at the right place. 

Thanks a lot! After few hours kml layer is in right place :). But I have a 
problem with overview map and coordinates which I see after click on 'GPS' 
and than after click somewhere in the map. Because now, there are 
coordinates of EPSG:900913 and that are horrible numbers. And overview map 
don't show, what it should. But it should be in another topic I think.

> You should also keep in mind, that a web application is not a desktop
> program. Loading your page results in downloading a kml file with 1.5 MB. I
> had have to wait endlessly until my firefox was willing to act again on
> mouse clicks.

Yes, I know, that kml file is too big, but I don't know, how I can make it 
lighter. I need to add some more kml files and one GeoTiff, I think, so it 
will be really bad, will not? Do you have some ideas, how I could do it 
better? But maybe it is another topic too.

But really thank you for help with adding kml file to my map ;)

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