[OpenLayers-Users] how do I load deprecated.js from hosted API location(http://openlayers.org/api)?

Andreas Hocevar ahocevar at opengeo.org
Wed Jul 11 13:11:16 PDT 2012

Hard to tell what's wrong without seeing your code. It's likely that
your code uses a non-API method that has changed since 2.11. If you
share your code, people on this list can maybe help you.

The deprecated.js file should be in the src/lib/OpenLayers directory
of the .tar.gz.


On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 9:55 PM, Kevin Halton
<kevin_halton at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
>> My code had loaded a KML data set using Layer.GML with a
>> OpenLayers.Format.KML format.  What's the proper way to display a KML
>> layer in 2.12?
> I'm in exactly the same boat.  I've tried using the online deprecated.js file, but as you say it's not there.  I tried extracting it from the 2.12.tar.gz, but it's not there either.  Finally I managed to download it from github, and it does get rid of the "OpenLayers.Layer.GML is not a constructor" error message, but it doesn't show my KML track any more either.
> I've tried using a local copy of 2.11's OpenLayers.js, without success.  And I've gone through all the online examples looking for an example of showing a _track_ line (not just waypoints) from a KML file, again without success.
> Are there any instructions anywhere of how to cope with this ?  It's just a few lines of layer definition which worked fine until this upgrade.
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Andreas Hocevar
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