[OpenLayers-Users] how do I load deprecated.js from hosted API location(http://openlayers.org/api)?

richard hanssen semska at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 23:44:19 PDT 2012


You should probably change your layer type from OpenLayers.Layer.GML
to OpenLayers.Layer.Vector and use the format option to indicate what
type of data the layer can expect. Same goes for OpenLayers.KML i


On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 10:11 PM, Andreas Hocevar <ahocevar at opengeo.org> wrote:
> Hard to tell what's wrong without seeing your code. It's likely that
> your code uses a non-API method that has changed since 2.11. If you
> share your code, people on this list can maybe help you.
> The deprecated.js file should be in the src/lib/OpenLayers directory
> of the .tar.gz.
> Andreas.
> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 9:55 PM, Kevin Halton
> <kevin_halton at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
>>> My code had loaded a KML data set using Layer.GML with a
>>> OpenLayers.Format.KML format.  What's the proper way to display a KML
>>> layer in 2.12?
>> I'm in exactly the same boat.  I've tried using the online deprecated.js file, but as you say it's not there.  I tried extracting it from the 2.12.tar.gz, but it's not there either.  Finally I managed to download it from github, and it does get rid of the "OpenLayers.Layer.GML is not a constructor" error message, but it doesn't show my KML track any more either.
>> I've tried using a local copy of 2.11's OpenLayers.js, without success.  And I've gone through all the online examples looking for an example of showing a _track_ line (not just waypoints) from a KML file, again without success.
>> Are there any instructions anywhere of how to cope with this ?  It's just a few lines of layer definition which worked fine until this upgrade.
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> Andreas Hocevar
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